Complete Fix guide for all Fallout GamesĪll posts must be from, directly reference or talk about something to do with Fallout 76.There’s tons to do when it comes to crafting, and we’ve barely scratched the surface. Go into the Workshop menu, pick a Settler and then command them to Go to whatever you need. The trick here is to think of settlers just like resources - they need to be commanded to go and man guard posts and artillery cannons that you build. As your settlement grows in resources, so too will it in actual inhabitants.Eventually, I realised I needed to use the Y button to actually connect the two together with a wire to start the tower up. In the image below, I constructed a radio tower and then slapped a generator beside it. I’m not ashamed to admit it took me WAY too long to figure this out. You’ll need to not only build a generator that provides enough power, but connect the sucker to whatever you’d like. They’re also great places to store excess materials from your adventures in the Wasteland itself. Hitting the button to Transfer items back and forth should offer up a bunch of stored items waiting for you in that bench.

If you’re lacking resources, don’t forget that you can scrap any items in the settlement to grab what you need.If you come across one, either in your Workshop bench or in the Wasteland itself, it’ll be tagged with a magnifying glass to remind you to pick it up. Missing a couple gears, the easiest thing to do at this stage is hit the “Tag for search” button (the Menu button on Xbox One) to remind yourself you need that item. The problem I have in the image below is that I can’t build a water pump simply because I don’t have the required resources. Things are sectioned off into like-minded things, like food & water, buildings and furniture. In the menu, you can construct whatever you’d like.If they’re red - like food and water is below - you’d best fix that. Re-enter the Workshop menu and take note of that bar along the top. Once you’ve got that down, take a step back.He’ll basically help you through the basics: building beds and other structures, getting clean water, food and establishing defenses. Once you’ve established that group in Sanctuary, you’ll start getting quests from a man named Sturges. As tempting as it is, don’t start crafting for your settlement until you meet Preston Garvey and his merry band or survivors.Confusing as all hell when you’re first thrown into it, crafting does start to make sense the more you try it. Now that gamers ’round the world can jump into Fallout 4, we thought we’d give you some handy tips to keep busy in the Wasteland.